Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship


The University of Hawai‘i John A. Burns School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (DoP) offers a two-year Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Training Program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).  Psychiatry residents can apply to join after completing either after their PGY-3 (fast tracking) or PGY-4 training.
The program is based at the Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children (KMCWC), the only dedicated pediatric and maternal hospital affiliated with the University of Hawai‘i, John A. Burns School of Medicine. The hospital serves Hawai‘i and the Pacific Basin and contains both faculty and administrative offices.

The Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Training Program began in 1970 as the first subspecialty training program of the Department of Psychiatry with a complement of six positions; three PGY-4 and three PGY-5 fellows.

The program’s core purpose aligns with the overall mission for the John A. Burn’s School of Medicine, the Queen’s Medical Center and the Department of Psychiatry and that is to be a leader in providing child & adolescent psychiatric education and training to fellows that exposes them to:

The University of Hawai‘i Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Training Program strives to recruit and train highly motivated individuals that enjoy working collaboratively in teams to provide excellent clinical care to multi-cultural children, families and communities. In addition to mastering the basic skills of child & adolescent psychiatry, our trainees become skilled in utilizing a biopsychosociocultural approach to diagnosis and treatment, evidence-informed patient care practices, family/system of care perspective and life-long learning and critical appraisal skills.  We expect that our graduates will become leaders and advocates within our field.

To graduate competent child & adolescent psychiatrists who can:

Core Faculty & Staff

The University of Hawai‘i Child & Adolescent Psychiatry is made up of a skilled and versatile team of faculty physicians with various backgrounds, training and experience who educate the residents and fellows in both the didactic / seminar setting and a wide variety of clinical learning environments exposing them to clinicians with breadth of strengths and styles while providing quality child & adolescent psychiatric care to the children of Hawai‘i.  

Daniel Alicata, M.D.
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program Director
Assitant Professor

Queen’s Medical Center – Family Treatment Center and Queen’s Counseling Services

Anthony Guerrero, M.D.
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program Director, Professor, Department Chair

Queen’s Medical Center – Family Treatment Center and Queen’s Counseling Services

Barry Carlton, M.D
Faculty Supervisor, Professor Emeritus

Queen’s Medical Center – Queen’s Counseling Services

Chayanin Foongsathaporn, M.D.
Faculty Supervisor, Associate Professor

Queen’s Medical Center – Queen’s Counseling Services

Keith Abe, M.D.
Faculty Supervisor

Child Neurology (KMCWC)

Keiko Chen M.D.
Faculty Supervisor

Kapi‘olani Behavioral Health Services (KBHS)

Shaylin Chock M.D.
Director of Medical Education and Patient Care

Kapi‘olani Behavioral Health Services (KBHS)

Taryn Park, M.D.
Faculty Supervisor

Kapi‘olani Behavioral Health Services (KBHS)

Program Details


Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Didactics

Overall Schedule

  • Academic days are scheduled for Wednesdays, usually between 9:15am-1:20pm. Residents are not expected to return pages during these hours and this time is considered “protected” from any clinical responsibilities.

Seminar Series

  • Orientation Seminar Series (July-August): These weekly seminars cover basic assessment, child development, psychodynamic psychiatry, and specialty topics. and family therapy fundamentals.
  • Infant Psychiatry Seminar – (given on alternate years): This seminar takes place at the Tripler Army Medical Center and covers infant development, theoretical frameworks, assessment and interventions.
  • Observation of Normal Preschool Children – (given on alternate years): This seminar takes place at the Tripler Army Medical Center and covers assigned readings, discussion and observation of children at the Fort Shafter Child Development Center
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Seminar – This seminar series is designed to cover the breadth and depth of child & adolescent psychiatry to enable child & adolescent psychiatry fellows to function competently upon graduation. The curriculum is designed to cover all areas specified in the ACGME Program Requirements for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. It integrates didactic seminars with a group, case-based, & practice-based learning format to increase the meaningfulness, retention, applicability and enjoyment in learning the covered material. It is taught and facilitated by the child & adolescent psychiatry faculty to take advantage of the wealth of expertise and experience of the multi-faceted faculty. The fellows are strongly encouraged to carefully apply the DSM in their study of the case modules (revised with consideration of the most recent DSM version). Finally, the seminar includes a review of all questions from the past year’s CPRITE exam, available (together with answer keys) at the New Innovations website.
  • Psychotherapy Seminar
    • Individual Psychotherapy (January-June) – This seminar series teaches theory and techniques of various individual psychotherapies using a combination of continuous case supervision (by video review) and discussion of selected readings. Areas covered include psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy.
    • Family Therapy (September-November) – This seminar series teaches family therapy approaches (with a solid foundation in structural family therapy) using a combination of family engagement, didactic seminars, selected readings, videos, and continuous case supervision (by video review).
  • Case Conference – (as scheduled)– In this seminar, child fellows present a complex and challenging case to the general psychiatry residents with the assistance of their faculty discussant. Videos and live interviews are encouraged. The presenter identifies a clinical question that arose during the care of the patient and presents new knowledge gained through a literature search.
  • Journal Club – (monthly) The fellows along with a faculty discussant review a timely & relevant journal article and discuss how to apply it to patient care.
  • Quality Improvement – (Wednesdays) – quality improvement serves as a forum to communicate pertinent safety statistics from the clinical sites based at the Queen’s Medical Center, and as an opportunity to provide feedback and to network with colleagues.
  • Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds – (September – June): This includes national and local experts, faculty and fellow presentations of research and clinical information pertaining to various aspects of psychiatry.
  • Visiting Professor Seminars – We have numerous visiting professors or lecturers each year who have provided didactics on numerous topics including but not limited to neuropsychiatry, addiction medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology.
  • Program Director’s & Child Fellows Meetings – The Program Director meets with the fellows once a month to allow fellows to provide feedback to the program and to discuss important changes in procedures or clinical practice. The Child chief meets with the fellows once a month to discuss issues at their training sites.
  • Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds – (Fridays 8-9 a.m. September – June): This includes national and local experts, faculty and fellow presentations of research and clinical information pertaining to various aspects of psychiatry. Attendance at Grand Rounds is mandatory for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry consistent with the policy of the University of Hawai‘i Department of Psychiatry.

Rotation Schedule


Training Sites

  • Queen’s Family Treatment Center:  The Family Treatment Center (FTC) is part of Queen’s Medical Center, which is a general medical facility with a 500-bed capacity.  The FTC consists of (approximately, when capacity is full) 16 beds for 5-18-year-old males and females.  There are acute and sub-acute inpatient programs as well as an outpatient component.  Fellows have the opportunity to follow their inpatients post-discharge in the outpatient clinic. There is a variety of multicultural backgrounds among the patients.  At least 1/3 of the patients have associated substance use disorders.  Fellows have ample opportunities to learn and perform comprehensive evaluations and various therapies, including individual psychotherapy, group therapy, family therapy, and psychopharmacotherapy.  Fellows also participate in multidisciplinary treatment meetings and learn to collaborate amongst multiple agencies to promote positive outcomes for children and families.  
  • Queen’s Youth Partial Hospital Program/Youth Intensive Outpatient Program (YPHP/YIOP):  Gives CAP fellows an opportunity to experience working with patients who are at a mid-level acuity of care.  Patients are referred from outpatient clinics who may require a higher level of care as well as from inpatient and residential settings as a step-down transition from higher levels of care.  The YPHP program is an in-person day treatment setting while the YIOP program is provided through telehealth services.  Fellows will work directly with patients, being able to follow-up with them in a more continuous, long-term setting since many of the patients remain in the programs anywhere from 8-12 weeks or longer.  Fellows may also have an opportunity to utilize various modalities with specific patients they work with either in the in-person or telehealth setting.
  • Queen’s Counseling Service:
    • Outpatient Clinic:  Categorical Child & Adolescent Psychiatry fellows (12 months) spend approximately 4-6 hours per week providing supervised long-term psychotherapy for young children, school-age children and adolescents. 
  • Queen’s Clinically Integrated Physician Network (QCIPN):  The Queen’s Clinically Integrated Physician’s Network (QCIPN) Mental Health Integration (MHI) Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) is an outpatient program servicing QCIPN’s Primary Care Physician (PCP) and specialist network.  The program offers an evidence-based approach to a patient’s integrated mental health care by focusing on patient populations identified by the physician and supported by the MHI team – creating improvements in patient care, capacity for the mental health provider communities, and workflows for PCP and psychiatrists.  Fellows will learn to work in an interdisciplinary team which consists of the care managers and PCPs, functioning in a consultative capacity in providing both medication and behavioral interventions for patients.  Fellows will focus on working directly with care managers on how to best serve patients and navigate systems, including working with PCP and other specialists, rural health, and other local mental health resources.
  • State of Hawai‘i Department of Health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division, Family Court Liaison Branch (FCLB):  There are two sites for FCLB: Hawai‘i Youth Correctional Facility (HYCF) and the Detention Home (DH).  Disruptive behavior problems, adjustment disorders, learning disorders, and/or substance abuse are commonly addressed.  Most youth have been exposed to stressful environments, including parental substance abuse, domestic violence, neglect, and/or physical or sexual abuse.  HYCF is under the state Office of Youth Services, and houses adolescent males and females incarcerated for a period of a few weeks to a few years.  The majority of youth are incarcerated for criminal offenses.  DH is a shorter-term detention facility under the Hawai‘i State Family Court. For many youth this is their entry into the mental health system of care. Fellows spend two days per week during their four-month community rotation seeing youth in these settings.  
  • School-Based Behavioral Health: The UH JABSOM Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow(s) will be part of an interprofessional collaborative (IPC) practice team at Olomana School on the HYCF campus.   
  • Tripler Army Medical Center: the largest hospital in Hawai‘i is a major teaching center that provides graduate training in General Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and various other specialties.  Child & Adolescent Psychiatry fellows have the following rotations at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC):
  • Child Study Group (CSG): held in the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Service, is a multi-disciplinary evaluation clinic for preschool children.  The evaluation team includes a supervising child and adolescent psychiatrist, a speech pathologist, an occupational therapist, a developmental/behavioral pediatrician, an educational coordinator, a psychologist and a social worker.  Each month, an average of 14-15 children are evaluated in two groups: one consisting of 4-5-year-old children, and the other consisting of 2-3-year-old toddlers.  Children referred to the CSG are assigned a primary physician responsible for patient interview, chart keeping and follow-up.  The evaluation begins with history-taking interview with one or both parents.

    After the initial interview, the child is seen in the appropriate age group while the parents are seen in a group setting with a social worker for 3 sequential weeks.  Through these sessions, each child is evaluated in the areas of motor development, language development, adaptive and cognitive development.  After each session, team members gather to synthesize the information.  At the end of the third session, each child is discussed by the team members to formulate a diagnosis according to the DSM and to offer recommendations based on the needs of each child.  Parents are usually seen again a week later for feedback, at which time the results of the CSG evaluations are shared with them.

    Fellows have the opportunity to follow these young children in their continuity clinics their 1st and 2nd years of training.  Fellows on rotation are expected to be on-site from 8:15 am to 12 noon every Tuesday during their four-month community rotation.  On non-Child Study Group Tuesdays, you will evaluate preschool-age patients for an individual intake prior to seeing the same children in the group setting.
  • Observation of Normal Preschool Children: Seminar includes assigned readings, discussion and observation of children at the Fort Shafter Child Development Center. The fellow will learn to accurately observe and record the behaviors of children in the day care setting. The fellow will be introduced to normative scales, descriptions, and developmental models to use as guidelines in observing and rating children.
  • Pediatric Neurology occurs in the outpatient Pediatric Neurology Clinic (Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children during the CL rotation), where children of all ages, sexes, and ethnicities are evaluated and treated.  Under supervision, fellows learn to take a detailed neurodevelopmental history, perform a thorough neurological examination, and develop a differential diagnosis for children who present with neurological symptoms.  During this rotation, the supervising pediatric neurologist provides informal lectures on common neurology topics such as seizures, non-epileptic “spells,” evaluation of the child with developmental delay, pediatric headache, tics and Tourette syndrome, neurocutaneous disorders, and organic conditions presenting as psychiatric disease.   
  • Kapi‘olani Behavioral Health Service (KBHS) consists of two major components:
    • The KMCWC inpatient pediatric consultation-liaison service provides:
      • Experience in inpatient pediatric consultation/liaison at the premier pediatric and perinatal medical center of Hawai‘i and the entire Pacific Basin.
    • The outpatient portion of KBHS complements the inpatient consultation-liaison service at KMCWC and provides:
      • Experience in longitudinal outpatient care for children and adolescents, including those with medical illnesses needing pediatric specialty care, and
      • Exposure to the day-to-day realities of outpatient practice.
  • Straub Medical Center Honolulu Clinic (Outpatient Program):  Straub psychiatrists and psychologists offer a full range of clinical services to adults, adolescents, children and families who are experiencing emotional, personal or social difficulties.  They treat mood disorders, stress-related problems, phobias, panic and anxiety disorders and serious mental illness.  They provide individual, couple and family therapy to treat mood disorders, psychosomatic complaints, depression, stress-related problems, phobias, anxiety, panic disorders and serious psychiatric illness.  Medicine is prescribed when required.  Straub’s staff offers psychological testing, behavior modification, cognitive therapy, relaxation training and hypnosis.  This rotation will focus on community mental health and in the future a collaborative care type model.


How To Apply – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program

  1. The University of Hawai‘i Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Training Program participates in the National Residency Match Program (NRMP) to fill child & adolescent psychiatry residency positions.  We generally have three PGY-4 positions each year.
  1. Applications must be submitted via the Electronic Residency Application Service.
  1. All interviews are conducted virtually.  Interviews are by invitation only through ERAS (Thalamus) to the candidates’ e-mail address as indicated on the ERAS application.
  1. International Applicants
    • All non-U.S. citizens applying to the University of Hawai‘i’s Psychiatry residency program must hold an exchange visitor (J-1) visa, an immigrant visa or federal work permit. International Medical Graduates (IMGs), whether foreign-born or American-born, are required to hold the standard Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certification.

Hawaii Residency Programs, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender/sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, marital status, domestic or sexual violence victim status, arrest and court record, credit history and credit report, sexual orientation, military and veteran status, or other protects categories in accordance with state and federal laws. If you need accommodations at any time, please contact HRP Human Resources at 808-586-2891.

information on drug testing requirements



Rodel Maulit, M.D.
Medical School: University of Nevada School of Medicine
Residency: Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii

Jineane Shibuya, D.O.
Medical School: Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii

Ahmad Stanackzai, M.D.
Medical School: American University of Antigua College of Medicine
Residency: Family Medicine, Roseburg, Oregon, Psychiatry, UCLA – Kern Medical Center,

Shelley Wong, M.D.
Medical School: John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii
Residency: Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii


Sarah Gabriel, M.D.
Medical School: Medical School of Wisconsin
Residency: Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii

Blake Pinell, M.D.
Medical School: John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii
Residency: Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii

Chris Tokeshi, M.D.
Medical School: John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii
Residency: Psychiatry John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii

Benefits & Salary

summary of salary & benefits


Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Program
University of Hawaii Psychiatry Residency Programs
1356 Lusitana Street, 4th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Tammie Lee – Administrative Assistant
PHONE: (808) 586-7423
FAX: (808) 586-2940